A Composite is a tooth-colored plastic mixture filled with glass (silicon dioxide). Composites are not only used to restore decayed areas but are also used for cosmetic improvements of the smile by changing the color of the teeth or reshaping disfigured teeth.


Porcelain veneers are slender shells of porcelain (or other material) that are bonded to the outward-facing surfaces of teeth to improve their appearance. Veneers can be used to cover whitening-resistant teeth, crooked teeth, and to cosmetically correct misshapen teeth and gaps between teeth (diastema). One of the great things about the latest veneer options is that they are taking advantage of state-of-the-art materials research to improve appearance, durability, and longevity. Today’s veneers are practically indistinguishable from natural teeth.

Imagen de Carillas


A comprehensive smile makeover is known by many names, including “Hollywood smile,” “red carpet smile,”, “Smile Design”, “Miami smile,” and “smile restoration.” Smile makeovers take a multidisciplinary approach to treating conditions as with this process, multiple structural and cosmetic conditions are treated at the same time. We can correct teeth with cracks, chips, noticeable gaps, and stains. Even gaps between teeth can be corrected. The ultimate goal is to give patients the kind of smiles they could once only dream of.


One of Hollywood’s most famous smile-makeovers is George Clooney. Before veneers, his teeth looked short, stained, and crooked. As a leading man and frequent love-interest, that certainly wouldn’t do. What arguably helped him become one of Hollywood’s most revered was a new set of pearly whites, but of course, he wasn’t the only one. Looking up pictures of pre-veneer Morgan Freeman, Nicolas Cage, and even Zac Efron will prove that just about every big star seeks out cosmetic dental work at some point. And when your face is often captured for the biggest publications, who wouldn’t want a smile to be proud of?

Hollywood Smile


Undergoing teeth whitening treatment is one of the safest and easiest ways to improve your smile. If all you need is brighter teeth, teeth whitening is a more conservative option that helps enhance the appearance of your teeth and rejuvenate your smile. Dt. Stella Gonzalez offers effective teeth whitening procedures using state-of-the-art equipment.

White, bright teeth are undoubtedly more popular and desirable than ever before. Our natural perception is that individuals with white teeth are healthier, more attractive, and more successful in their lives compared to those with stained or discolored teeth. However, most of us can’t achieve the teeth color we desire without a little help.


Your smile is one of your most noticeable assets. However, over time, your smile can lose its luster. For some of our patients, all it takes to restore the appearance of a smile is a teeth whitening procedure or the replacement of a metal filling with a tooth-colored restoration. However, for others, multiple procedures are needed to help them achieve the smile they truly desire. At Dr. Stella Gonzalez, we can combine several cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry options to treat discoloration, misalignment and damaged teeth, and even repair old dental work, during a complete smile makeover.

All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.