Image of Custom Mouthguards

What are  Custom Mouthguards?

Mouthguards are used to protect teeth from grinding, clenching, and injuries during sports activities, as well as to reduce snoring and relieve obstructive sleep apnea. Custom mouthguards are specifically designed to fit comfortably according to the individual’s mouth shape and size. Our dental clinic offers customized, high-quality mouthguards that are fabricated in our fully equipped dental labs. To make a mouthguard, our dentist will first take impressions of your teeth and create a mold using a specialized material. Then, a customized mouthguard will be made to fit your mouth perfectly.

What are the benefits of custom mouthguards?

Custom mouthguards are designed to fit your mouth precisely, unlike one-size-fits-all options. They are tailored to your specific mouth shape, ensuring a comfortable fit. By taking impressions of your teeth, we can create a mouthguard that is customized to your individual needs.

Our high-quality mouthguards are made using the latest technology and top-quality materials, providing you with maximum protection. We can also adjust the thickness of the mouthguard based on your activities to provide optimal protection for your teeth.

Who needs a mouthguard?

A mouthguard is essential for people of all ages who engage in contact sports such as football, basketball, or boxing. However, if you participate in non-contact sports like gymnastics or recreational activities like biking or hiking, there is still a risk of oral injury, so getting a mouthguard is a smart choice. Additionally, if you have bruxism or teeth grinding issues, nightguards are recommended, which are similar to mouthguards.

Wearing mouthguards with braces

Custom mouthguards are also suitable for people with braces, as they provide additional protection for the braces and the mouth. Our dental practice offers custom mouthguards that are tailored to fit your mouth and braces comfortably.

If you are interested in getting a custom mouthguard, please contact us. Our skilled dental professionals will take your teeth impressions and create a personalized mouthguard that fits perfectly and offers maximum protection. We will also provide you with helpful tips on how to maintain and care for your mouthguard properly.


All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.