Imagen de limpieza dental


Visiting your dentist regularly, even if you have healthy oral conditions, is a great practice. It keeps you away from gum diseases and dental infections, along with maintaining the aesthetic of your smile. Apart from thoroughly checking up your teeth, your dentist will also clean them professionally so that no debris or particles are stuck. Effective dental check-ups and cleaning can prevent serious oral diseases and complex treatments associated with them. Which means it helps in saving your money and time. We strongly encourage to visit our dentist office at least once every six months to ensure Your oral health is at optimum.


Periodic oral evaluation refers to the thorough examination of all components of the mouth, such as the teeth, jaws, gums and tongue. Periodic oral evaluation helps your dentist identify signs of oral cancer, gum infection, loose teeth, pocket formation, etc.

Periodic exams are one of the best ways to identify conditions of your teeth at an early stage. . For example, gum disease is quite difficult to identify on your own.

imagen de pasiente realizando Examenes periodicos


One of the most important things we provide our patients is peace of mind when it comes to the risks of oral cancer. Because many people often do not report symptoms until the cancer is already present, it is important to conduct regular cancer screenings on all of our patients. This assists us in making sure that we can catch oral cancer before it becomes too dangerous, improving the rates of remission. We believe that it is our duty to help fight the spread of oral cancer and create a safer environment for our patients.


If you have cavities and do not treat them in time with a filling, infections will slowly penetrate the teeth to reach the roots. Once your pulp is infected, you will have to undergo complex treatment such as root canal therapy. To save your teeth from all these discomforts, it is a better decision to contact your dentist and get the right kind of fillings in time.

Image of Custom Mouthguards


Mouthguards are devices used to protect your teeth from grinding or clenching while you sleep or from injuries while you play sports. They can also help to reduce snoring and relieve obstructive sleep apnea.

Custom mouthguards are specially designed according to the shape and size of your mouth so that they might fit you comfortably.


Root canal therapy is the process of saving a badly damaged or decayed tooth instead of extracting it. The procedure involves the removal of dental pulp located in the center of the tooth. The pulp contains all the blood vessels and nerve endings that help teeth grow. Sometimes decay spreads and penetrates the dental pulp. Infected nerves cause pain and there is no way to repair them.

All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.