Gum Grafting Image

Gum recession, which often results from gum disease, teeth grinding, or a misaligned bite, is a prevalent dental issue. This condition occurs when the gum tissue recedes, causing the underlying root of the tooth to be exposed to the oral environment. Gum recession is responsible for tooth sensitivity and can also contribute to an aged appearance of the smile. However, gum recession treatment can restore the lost tissue by bringing the gum line back to a healthier level on the teeth. This can be achieved by using autogenous tissue samples (taken from the patient’s own body) or other biocompatible sources.

What are the Causes of Gum Recession?

Gingival recession is the process in which the gum tissue deteriorates and recedes, exposing more of the tooth structure. When this occurs, there is an increased likelihood that the tooth roots will also become exposed, resulting in discomfort and pain. In severe cases, tooth loss may even occur. Some of the reasons behind receding gums include genetics, gum diseases, inadequate dental care, and excessive or vigorous brushing.

What are the Benefits of the Grum Grafting Technique?

This treatment has the ability to treat multiple areas of gum recession in a single session, which can help save patients time and money. Additionally, the procedure is minimally invasive and nearly painless, resulting in a brief healing period. Moreover, it provides a long-lasting solution for gum recession.

Are You a Good Candidate for this Procedure?

Prior to considering the pinhole technique, it is essential to determine whether you are a suitable candidate. Your dentist will conduct a thorough examination of your mouth to determine your eligibility. To be eligible for this treatment, your gum recession should be a dental health issue rather than a purely cosmetic concern. An ideal candidate for this procedure:

  • Should not have periodontal disease
  • Should not smoke
  • Should have a significant amount of available gum tissue
  • Should have good overall oral health.


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