Smile design before and after

What is Gum Lifting?

Maintaining healthy teeth is crucial for a beautiful smile, but it is equally important to have healthy gums that complement your teeth and enhance your smile’s appearance. Uneven gumlines or excessive gum exposure can make your teeth look unattractive, regardless of their health or whiteness.

Fortunately, with the help of soft tissue laser gum recontouring or gum “lift” procedures, you can improve the appearance of your smile and achieve the best possible outcome, whether you want to enhance your existing smile or undergo cosmetic dental treatments. These procedures, performed using Biolase technology, can reshape your gum tissue and create a more harmonious, aesthetically pleasing smile.

What is Gum Recontouring?

Our skilled dentists perform a gum lift procedure where they reshape the gumlines around the teeth’s edges to enhance their appearance. The goal is to expose more of the tooth’s hidden enamel and reveal the full crown. Sometimes teeth may look short or uneven due to the gums’ shape, rather than any misshaping. By adjusting the gum tissue, we can create a fuller, healthier-looking smile where the teeth are in proper proportion.

The Gum Lift Procedure

Dr. Stella Gonzalez offers various types of gum lift procedures, and our team will help determine which option will best suit your needs.

One option is traditional gum lift surgery, which involves minimal trimming of the gums and the application of a protective dressing during recovery. Although healing may take longer, you can expect to return to our office after a week or more to have the dressing removed and the tissues assessed.

Alternatively, there is laser gum surgery, which is a less invasive option for gum recontouring. This approach utilizes a soft tissue laser, which reshapes the gums without any cutting, bleeding, or extended recovery time. The use of dental lasers minimizes discomfort, and most patients can resume their regular routine on the same day. The healing process is also expedited, and inflammation is reduced, making the gum lift procedure virtually pain-free.

Before and After Teeth

Crown Lengthening

The procedure in Miami, FL entails the reduction of gum tissues and the shaving down of bones to increase the visibility of more of your teeth above the gum lines. This not only provides comfort but also makes it easier to clean the teeth. Additionally, it can aid in reducing the problem of having a gummy smile.


Gingivectomy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of gum tissues. It is usually required when the gums recede from the teeth, creating deep pockets where plaque and calculus can accumulate, leading to severe periodontal diseases. By undergoing a gingivectomy treatment, the jawbones and teeth are protected from potential damage caused by these diseases.

Benefits of Gum Lifting

Our gum lifting treatment can enhance the appearance of your teeth, resulting in a healthier and even smile by eliminating gummy smile issues. This innovative treatment can also make your teeth look longer and fuller. Contact us to learn more about our state-of-the-art gum lifting technology and how we can help improve the aesthetics of your smile.

Cost of Gum Lifting

Gum contouring and gummy smile treatments are typically one-time procedures that do not usually require any follow-up or ongoing maintenance, particularly when carried out using minimally invasive laser technology. Consequently, it is a cost-effective one-time investment. In addition, flexible payment options can be arranged for these treatments.


All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.