Inlays and Onlays

What are The Role of Inlays & Onlays in Dentistry?

If your tooth has suffered decay or damage, there are a variety of treatment options available to protect it, including fillings, inlays, and onlays. While fillings and cosmetic bonding may be sufficient for restoring the strength of some teeth, inlays and onlays are recommended by dentists in cases where more substantial restoration is required for optimal chewing ability. Inlays and onlays are named according to their placement on or inside the tooth, respectively.

At our practice in Miami, FL, Dr. Stella Gonzalez offers high-quality and precisely crafted dental inlays and onlays, which are custom-made to match the size, shape, and color of your teeth. These treatments are considered an alternative to traditional fillings, as they are fabricated outside the mouth and then cemented in place.

Inlays and onlays are typically used for teeth that are too damaged for fillings but not so damaged that they require a full crown. Both types of dental restoration use porcelain materials that are specifically designed for the unique needs of each patient. These treatments are commonly used to address tooth decay or broken teeth.

The main difference between dental onlays and inlays is the amount of tooth surface that is covered. Onlays cover the entire chewing surface of the tooth, including the cusps, while inlays cover only the damaged area within the cusp.

Inlays and onlays offer several benefits, including the ability to withstand biting pressures up to 75% higher than a damaged tooth without a restoration, longer-lasting results compared to fillings, a natural appearance that matches the color of your teeth, and a more affordable option than a full dental crown. Additionally, they are designed to fit securely and snugly against your tooth, without adding bulk that could irritate your lips, tongue, or cheeks. To learn more about inlays and onlays or to schedule an appointment with Dr. Stella Gonzalez, contact us today.


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