Advantages of an Oral Cancer Screening

Regular oral cancer screenings are a crucial part of our patient care, as they provide peace of mind and help catch cancer at an early stage. Symptoms of oral cancer often go unnoticed until it has progressed significantly, which is why we conduct screenings on all of our patients. By detecting oral cancer early, we can improve the chances of successful treatment and remission. As healthcare providers, we have a duty to fight against oral cancer and create a safe environment for our patients. Through our services, including oral cancer screenings, we are committed to this fight against cancer and promoting good oral health.

What are the Signs to Watch out for?

In addition to receiving an oral cancer screening as part of your routine checkups, it is important to promptly seek dental attention if you experience any of the following symptoms in your mouth:

  • Lumps or rough spots
  • Red and white patches
  • Unexpected bleeding
  • Numbness, pain, and tenderness
  • Sores that will not heal even after two weeks
  • Difficulty in chewing or swallowing
  • Persistent sore throat
  • Ear pain

Who should get Oral Cancer Screening?

It is important for patients to request an oral cancer screening during their periodic dental exams, particularly if they are experiencing any of the aforementioned symptoms. Certain individuals may be at a higher risk of developing this deadly disease, including those who:

  • Smokes regularly
  • Frequently drinks alcohol
  • Have a medical history of oral cancer
  • Remain exposed under the sun for the longest time- they are more prone to lip cancer.


All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.