What is Peri-Implant Disease?

Peri-Implantitis refers to a damaging inflammatory process that impacts the soft and hard tissues surrounding your dental implants. Just like your natural teeth, bacteria can grow around the base of your dental implants below the gum line, causing irritation of the gum tissues and subsequent inflammation. If not treated promptly, it can lead to the erosion of the bone structure that supports your dental implant.

What causes peri-implant disease?

  • Smoking
  • Periodontitis
  • Poor plaque control
  • Diabetes

What are the Symptoms of this Disease?

The signs and symptoms of this condition closely resemble those of gum disease, including:

  • Red and tender gums around the implant
  • Bleeding while brushing
  • Bone loss around the implant site
  • Formation of pus
  • Pain around the implant site

Traditionally, treatment for peri-implantitis involved surgery, but laser therapy has emerged as a viable alternative. Dr. Stella Gonzalez provides cutting-edge laser treatments for all her patients.

Benefits of the Laser Procedure

The laser technique for treating peri-implantitis is considered minimally invasive and does not cause any thermal damage. The healing process is rapid, and there is no need for downtime. Moreover, the technique is associated with reduced inflammatory responses and is helpful in maintaining the long-term success of the implant. In addition to providing precision, the use of lasers can also lower the risk of infection.

  • It is a minimally invasive procedure.
  • No thermal damage.
  • It heals quickly; there is no downtime.
  • It has a reduced inflammatory response.
  • Helps maintain long-term implant success.
  • Laser technique helps reduce the risk of infection in addition to performing the procedure with precision.

Contact Us for more Information about Peri-Implantitis

Dental implants are like your natural teeth. They function in a similar way and, therefore, can also become diseased like your natural teeth. But with proper maintenance, they can last a lifetime. To learn more about the procedure, contact us at Dr. Stella Gonzalez. We will perform a complete treatment to restore your oral health and give you advice on the maintenance of your dental implants.


All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.