Imagen de limpieza dental


Regular visits to your dentist are a beneficial habit to maintain even if your oral health is currently in good condition. By doing so, you can prevent gum diseases, dental infections, and maintain a pleasant smile. In addition to inspecting your teeth thoroughly, your dentist will also provide professional cleaning to remove any debris or particles that may be stuck. These effective dental check-ups and cleanings can help prevent the development of severe oral diseases and the need for complex treatments, ultimately saving you time and money. We highly recommend visiting our dentist office at least twice a year to ensure that your oral health is at its best.


  • Removes plaque and tartar build-up
  • Detects cavities
  • Detects oral cancer
  • Detects gum disease
  • Keeps you accountable for your oral health
  • Finds sub-surface problems with X-rays
  • Checks your head, neck, and lymph nodes
  • Whitens your teeth
  • Helps prevent bad breath
  • Helps prevent tooth loss
  • Helps avoid costly dental procedures
  • Sets a great example for your kids
  • Helps with sleep problems

And much more!

What Happens During A Routine Dental Checkup?

Medical History
Prior to any dental procedure, a hygienist will inquire about your medical history, especially if it’s your first visit to their clinic. If you’ve visited before, any changes in your health status, such as new medication use or pregnancy, should be noted. This step is crucial in preventing potential complications during dental treatments and ensuring that you receive the best possible care. If you experience dental anxiety, it’s important to inform your dentist, as they can take steps to help you feel more relaxed and comfortable during your checkup.

Although dental practices may vary, a typical dental checkup may involve:

Cleaning and Polishing
Your teeth will be cleaned using a hand scaler, a specialized instrument designed to remove debris. The next step is polishing, which involves using a brush to eliminate any stains.


Types of Dental Cleanings: 

Prophylaxis Cleaning
Patients who require regular maintenance to preserve their oral health typically receive prophylaxis cleaning as a routine procedure.

Scaling and Root Planning
For patients at a high risk of gum disease or those who have already developed it, scaling and root planning is a thorough cleaning procedure that involves deep cleaning.

Gross Debridement
Plaque and tartar buildup that is embedded in and around the gums and between the teeth can be removed through a gross debridement.

Following your teeth cleaning session, your dentist will address any issues and recommend suitable treatment options. Additionally, they will provide you with guidance on how to improve your brushing and flossing techniques.

During a dental examination, your dentist will check your teeth, gums and mouth for any indications of cavities, gum disease, or oral cancer. To accomplish this, they may employ various tools, including a special probe to measure the pockets between your teeth and gums, an explorer to examine the enamel, and a mouth mirror to obtain different angles of your teeth and mouth. Based on their observations, your dentist may recommend particular treatment or refer you to a specialist, such as a periodontist or orthodontist.

During some of your dental checkups, your dentist may require an X-ray to check for tooth decay, impacted teeth, and other dental issues that may not be visible to the naked eye. If this is your initial visit to the dentist, or on a periodic basis thereafter, you will likely undergo a comprehensive examination of your head, mouth, and neck. It is advisable to consult a dental professional immediately if you notice any changes or issues with your teeth, gums, or tongue. Please visit our dental office for regular preventative care and routine checkups. To schedule an appointment, please call us at (786) 371 4214.


All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.