Periodontal maintenance cleanings help fight gum disease and bacterial infections that occur in the gums. If not treated in time, it can erode the jaws and you can end up losing your teeth. Your dentist will completely remove calculus from above and below the gum line during the cleaning session. They would also clean the gum pockets and soften the roots of the teeth to remove excess bacteria. Once the procedure is complete, they will prescribe the required medications and give you advice on how to maintain your oral health.


Scaling and root planing together are known as deep cleaning. They help treat chronic gum disease and are more extensive than regular teeth cleaning sessions at a dentist’s office. The entire procedure requires more than one visit. You may be given a local anesthetic depending on the severity of your condition and whether you have receding gums. Recovery from this procedure would take a few days, and until then, you may experience slight discomfort.


Receding gums or gingival recession is a common problem among adults over the age of 65. Traditionally, this problem was addressed with soft tissue grafts, but it can be a painful and lengthy procedure if multiple teeth are involved. The pinhole surgical procedure is an excellent treatment for receding gums: it is quick, almost painless and shows a long-term result. At Dr. Stella Gonzalez, we offer our patients an efficient gum graft treatment with pinhole surgery.


When much of the gum tissue is exposed above the top row of front teeth, it is known as a gummy smile. While it is a cosmetic concern for some people, others may need gummy smile treatment, for restorative purposes. When you have a gummy smile, it means that less of your tooth structure is exposed, and that can make it difficult to fit equipment such as crowns and bridges. Therefore, your dentist may suggest that you get rid of the gummy smile before you can proceed with restorative dentistry.


Gingivitis is the early stage of gum disease that can be easily treated. But if you ignore it, periodontal disease can occur, severely affecting your overall oral health. Tartar buildup causes your gums to recede and form small pockets that fill with calculus. In addition, bacteria may destroy your tissues. It could erode your jaws and cause loose teeth. Should the bacteria mix with your bloodstream, it can even cause a heart attack.


Bone grafting is a beneficial procedure in dentistry. If you have jaw problems, you should undergo this procedure before getting dental implants. It is one of the best ways to maintain your overall oral health. Unlike how it sounds, bone grafting is a minor procedure, but it has a long healing time. It helps build bone right where you would need it.

All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.