Dental bridges can be placed to fill the spaces left by missing teeth. Bridges not only make it easier for patients to speak and eat, but also prevent surrounding teeth from shifting out of place. Dental bridges consist of one or more artificial teeth that are held in place by dental crowns. The procedure to place a dental bridge requires two visits: one to prepare the adjacent teeth and take an impression of the area and to place the bridge once it is customized from the impression.


We often use dental crowns to restore the beauty and strength of a tooth that has been weakened due to decay, injury or endodontic (root canal) therapy. Dental crowns are caps that are placed over the entire tooth. The target tooth is prepared by removing the damaged areas and shaping them to accommodate the dental crown. An impression is taken of the prepared tooth so that the crown can be precisely designed to fit the tooth perfectly. Once the crown is ready, it is cemented onto the tooth.

Imagen de Coronas dentales


Are you missing most or all of your natural teeth? One of the best ways to restore your smile in these cases is to get dentures or partials. They will restore your smile, your facial structure and also your oral functionalities. These dental appliances can go a long way in improving your overall oral health. At Dr. Stella Gonzalez, we offer high quality dentures fully customized to the shape of your mouth. They are durable with high wearability and are very comfortable to wear.


One of the best ways to restore decayed areas of the tooth is through dental fillings. Fillings made of composite resin have become quite popular recently because of all the advantages it offers. They are like dental cement, which functions as a restorative material to improve the aesthetics and functionality of your impacted tooth. Dr. Stella Gonzalez offers high quality dental fillings to all her patients. If you have a cavity in your teeth that needs restoration, do not delay in contacting us.


Inlays and onlays are the most popular form of indirect restoration. It means that they are fabricated outside the mouth as a single, solid piece. Our professional will take measurements of your cavity and customize the restorative material to your shape and size. Once this is done, they will cement the inlays and onlays in the decayed area. Dr. Stella Gonzalez offers effective restorative treatment in Miami, FL. We craft them with perfection and precision, using the best raw material.


There are many options for restoring the beauty and function of a smile. Dental implants or dental bridges can replace missing teeth, while crowns can add strength and repair cracks and discolorations. Dr. Stella Gonzalez offers patients a variety of restorative options, including dental implant restorations, to restore beauty and function to a smile. Dr. Stella Gonzalez is experienced in a wide range of restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures.


Headaches, ringing in the ears and even shoulder pain can be caused by problems in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). TMJ disorders can be treated through a variety of restorative dentistry procedures, among other treatments. In our practice, we have helped many patients through TMJ treatment, including the targeted use of BOTOX® injections and a variety of restorative dentistry options.

All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.