What is Root Canal Therapy?

The aim of root canal therapy is to rescue a severely damaged or decayed tooth instead of extracting it. The procedure involves eliminating the dental pulp located in the center of the tooth, which comprises blood vessels and nerve endings that help teeth develop. In some cases, decay can spread and infect the dental pulp, causing pain and discomfort. When nerves become infected, there is no way to repair them.

Root canal treatment entails extracting the infected pulp to alleviate pain and discomfort. After removing the nerve endings and blood vessels, the affected tooth will be dead, and you will no longer experience pain there. However, the crown portion of your natural teeth will be preserved, and we recommend getting a crown to protect your teeth from potential fractures.

What are the Benefits of Root Canal Therapy?

Undergoing root canal therapy at our Miami, FL dental office offers several advantages, including:

  • Halting the spread of infections to adjacent teeth.
  • Preserving your natural tooth structure.
  • Producing aesthetically pleasing results.
  • Preventing erosion of your jawbone.
  • Enhancing your oral and overall health.


All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.