A Guide to TMD/TMJ

Temporomandibular joint syndrome and temporomandibular joint disorders can be a literal pain in the neck. These conditions, more commonly known as TMJ and TMD, are disorders of the jaw. Yet they are masters of disguise; they can manifest in many ways, and you may not necessarily have pain in your jaw. TMD and TMJ symptoms can include anything from headaches to numbness in the fingers to, yes, even a pain in the neck.

Because the symptoms of TMD and TMJ are so varied, many people never realize they have these disorders and so they do not receive the proper treatment.

At our dental practice serving the Miami area, we often see patients who have been in pain for years and never had an inkling they suffered from TMD or TMJ disorders. The good news is that once you have been diagnosed, there are a variety of treatment options including BOTOX

What is TMJ disorder?

TMJ disorder includes a variety of symptoms associated with the temporomandibular joints (TMJ). These joints connect the lower jaw to the skull on each side of the head. Problems in this area develop when excessive stress is placed on the structures surrounding the joint, including the muscles, teeth, ligaments, and cartilage. Clenching and grinding of the teeth, poor posture, arthritis, injury, and structural problems can cause excess stress and pressure on the joints, which can cause the uncomfortable symptoms associated with TMJ disorder.

Symptoms of TMJ Disorder

  • Jaw, neck, and shoulder pain
  • Headaches
  • Popping, grinding, or clicking during jaw movement
  • Teeth grinding and clenching
  • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) or earache
  • Difficulty opening or closing of mouth
  • If you experience any of the symptoms listed above, you may have a TMJ disorder. We encourage you to schedule an evaluation at our office to see if TMJ treatment can help relieve your symptoms.


After a TMJ diagnosis has been given, the first concern is offering TMJ pain relief. It’s a very uncomfortable disorder, and many people have several symptoms, not just one. Often, patients begin with home remedies. If those don’t work, then they move on to other treatments. Those can range from Botox injections to surgery.

It is important to treat TMJ disorders not only because of the uncomfortable symptoms, but also because of the damage that can occur to the teeth, gums, and jaws. At Dr. Stella Gonzalez, we offer TMJ treatment options, including (BOTOX® therapy for dentistry), night guards and full mouth reconstruction.

– BOTOX® Injections for Dentistry

At Dr. Stella Gonzalez, we offer Botox therapy used in dentistry. BOTOX® injections are used to relieve one of the most common symptoms of TMJ disorder: clenching of the teeth and jaws. Just as BOTOX® injections immobilize the muscles of the face that cause wrinkles, they can be used to relax the jaw muscles and reduce the amount and intensity of tension. This, in turn, reduces patient discomfort and damage to the teeth, jaw joints and gums that are associated with TMJ disorders.  Botox is administered through simple injections.

During your initial consultation, we will determine if you are a good candidate for Botox by reviewing your medical records and examining your current dental health. Schedule an evaluation in our office to find out if BOTOX® injections are the best TMJ treatment option for you.

Full Mouth Reconstruction

For some patients, night guards and BOTOX® therapy can significantly help their TMJ-related problems. However, other patients may need more extensive treatment. Through orthodontic appliances and full mouth reconstruction, we can realign the jaw and relieve the symptoms of TMJ disorders. A full mouth reconstruction often includes several procedures, such as the placement of dental implants, bridges or crowns.

Schedule an Evaluation with Us

If you have a TMJ disorder, we can help. Contact Dr. Stella Gonzalez to schedule a TMJ evaluation and learn about treatment options such as (BOTOX® injections for dentistry) and full mouth reconstruction.


All the treatments seen here, we perform and provide the best professional service.