Having a beautiful smile starts with healthy teeth, but it’s also what’s around each tooth that polishes and frames your smile so it looks great. What are we talking about? From the gums

Uneven gums or a “gummy” smile can detract from even the healthiest, whitest teeth. They can take a perfectly healthy smile and make it look unattractive simply because of the shape of the gum tissues.

With Biolase soft tissue laser gum lift or gum lift procedures, you can complement your current smile or planned cosmetic treatments for the best possible result.

What is gum recontouring?

During a gum lift, our highly experienced dentists reshape the edges of the gums to change their shape around the teeth. Because we want the entire crown of the tooth to show, the tissues are adjusted to reveal more of the hidden enamel underneath.

Short or uneven teeth may not be malformed at all; actually, the real cause is the shape of the gums around them. Tissue adjustment allows for a healthier, fuller smile in which teeth are the proper size.

The gum lift procedure

There are different types of gum lift procedures. With Dr. Stella González we will talk about the advantages of each option and how one technique can benefit your smile more than the other.

Traditional gum lift surgery is a slightly more invasive procedure that requires minimal trimming of the gums, followed by a protective bandage over the surgical site during recovery. Healing takes a little longer, simply due to the nature of the procedure. As such, you may need to take a week or more off work or school to recover. Once healing is complete, you will return to our office to remove the bandage and evaluate the tissues.

Fortunately, there is also a gentler and less invasive option.

Laser gum surgery is a minimally invasive alternative to conventional gum reshaping. With a soft tissue laser, gums can be easily reshaped without cuts, bleeding, or long recovery periods.

In fact, discomfort is minimal and most people are back to their normal routine the same day. The dental laser accelerates the healing process and reduces inflammation, so the gum lift is practically painless.

Crown lengthening

It involves the reduction of gum tissue along with shaving the bones down so that more of your teeth remain above the gum lines. With this treatment in Miami, FL, you would have more of your exposed tooth structure, which is not only comfortable, but easy to clean as well. It also helps reduce gummy smile problems.


This is the surgical removal of the gum tissues. This procedure becomes necessary when the gums separate from the teeth, causing deep pockets. Plaque and tartar accumulate in these pockets, which are very difficult to clean, leading to serious periodontal disease. Gingivectomy treatment saves the jaw bones and teeth that could be damaged by these diseases.

Gum lift cost

Gum contouring and gummy smile treatments are a one-time procedure that generally requires no follow-up or maintenance. When performed with a minimally invasive laser, the process is even easier. As such, it is usually an affordable one-time investment.

We can also arrange flexible payment options.

Benefits of gum lifting

  • Gives your teeth a healthier look.
  • Match the smile.
  • Eliminate gummy smile problems.
  • It makes your teeth appear longer and fuller.

Contact us for a gum lift. We will help you with the latest gum lift technology and make your smile more aesthetically pleasing.


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